Cementation Postoperative Instructions

Your new crown/bridge/inlay/onlay is made with the finest materials and designed to be the most natural looking restoration that we can provide you with. With the proper care and cleaning you can expect to use it for many years to come.

Tooth Sensitivity 
Occasionally, following the cementation or bonding process, there may be some transient (passing) sensitivity that can last from several days to several months. This is not unusual and may relate, in part, to the cementation/bonding procedure or the amount of tooth that was removed during the preparation for the restoration.

Sensitivity may also be related to the occlusion (bite). If your teeth have been anesthetized for the cementation or bonding procedure, it may be difficult for you to tell if your bite feels normal following the cementation/bonding of a new restoration. This occasionally results in a bite that is not correct. When the anesthetic wears off, you might notice that the bite does not feel correct. It will feel high and the new restoration will meet the opposing teeth too soon. This can cause the nerve in the tooth to become irritated and sensitive to hot or cold stimulation. Adjusting the occlusion will usually rectify this problem. Please call the office right away if the bite does not feel right. It will need to be adjusted.

Occasionally, this sensitivity does not go away and may, in fact, get worse. This is not usually related to the cementation/bonding procedure but is a result of the extensive amount of original tooth destruction you experienced from decay. Although the tooth may appear to be fine while the provisional (temporary) restoration is in place, the nerve may in reality be slowly dying. In this situation, the restored tooth may eventually experience nerve death. The tooth will then possibly need a root canal.

If you received local anesthetic today, please be careful until the numbness wears off and you have full feeling back in your mouth before chewing or drinking anything hot. The numbness should wear off in about 4 hours. You may experience some discomfort at the injection site or in the muscle. This discomfort does not usually last for more than a few days, during that time an over the counter pain reliever of your choice can be taken. Keep in mind the discomfort can last for 3-7 days. If you experience any prolonged numbness or discomfort please call our office.

Care of Your New Restoration 
After the cementation or bonding, it is advisable to not use the tooth to chew food until normal sensation returns to the area (if the area was anesthetized). Cements set only partially while you are in the office and require at least 24 hours to achieve better physical properties. So do not stress the cemented or bonded teeth for 24 hours (i.e., no gum chewing, taffy, biting on nuts or bagels, etc.).

It is very important to your continuing oral health to brush and floss the teeth normally after this procedure. Please return to us for your normal preventive recare reservations at intervals your hygienist has recommended. Problems that may develop around the restorations (or any other teeth, for that matter) can then be found at an early stage and repaired easily. We will send you a notice when you are due for your reservation, but you should also indicate on your own calendar when it is time to return, and call the office if the notice is not received.

We also recommend daily use of an “ALCOHOL FREE” fluoride-containing mouthrinse. Follow the instructions on the label. Regular topical application of fluoride has been shown to reduce the incidence of some types of dental problems.

You should receive many years of service from these restorations. We have used the best information, procedures, and materials available today in their fabrication. It is possible that they may require replacement if they fracture due to extreme force or trauma the same as with natural teeth. Do not bite extremely hard objects with the teeth that have been cemented or bonded. The gingiva (gums) may also recede from the margins of the restoration, exposing metal or original tooth structure. It can take several years before it is noticed. Recession is usually a result of the normal aging process and does not indicate that the restoration is a failure. If a cosmetic problem results from the recession, however, you may want the restoration redone. Decay may also begin near the restoration. If the decay is caught at an early stage, it is not a major problem to fix.

If you have any questions about these instructions, please feel free to ask us.

Thank you.

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